2. 会社案内




We are a manufacturer of industrial inkjet equipment. We have been helping our customers utilize inkjet technology in their production processes for many years. We are deeply grateful for the patronage of our customers and the support of our partners, which has brought us to where we are today.
Inkjet is a technology with new possibilities to realize manufacturing methods that do not exist anywhere else in the world. It also has a sustainable element that contributes to the reduction of environmental impact through the reduction of inventory loss and ink usage.
We believethat this is a technology that is in demand in this day and age. We willcontinue to contribute to solving social issues through inkjet technology.
It is one of my important roles to create and promote an environment inwhich each and every employee can work with peace ofmind for manyyears to come. I will do my utmost to ensure the further development of thecompany.I will continue to focus my maximum efforts on the developmentof our inkjet business.Under the theme of “Make a difference with inkjet,”we will continue to provide inkjet equipment from Kashiwazaki City,Niigata Prefecture, to the rest of the country and the world, offeringnew added value (difference) to our customers’ “monozukuri” (manufacturing).
We look forward to your continued support.

Tritek Co., Ltd.
President and Representative Director

It has been more than 30 years since I left the company I was working for to start a small organization to see the outside world. Although there have been two or three difficult times, I am truly grateful to the people I have met for their kindness and support that have enabled us to continue as a manufacturer of inkjet equipment for manufacturing.
Like many of the founders of the company, I have felt a sense of accomplishment and joy in my work, but I have also encountered many difficulties, large and small, and I strongly feel that this has helped me grow from my lack of experience, and I am grateful for that. Time has passed, and I find myself at a point in my career where I am ready to take over the business.
From now on, as Chairman of the Board of Directors, I will make the most of my experience and relationships with people to make every effort to develop the company’s business, the industry, and the community, even if only in a small way.
I look forward to your continued support of Tritek.

Tritek Co., Ltd.
Chairman and Executive Director