R&D Printer
A lineup of laboratory machines suitable for material development.
We have variable devices suitable for experiment such as ink and material development, production facilities simulation, etc.
R&D Printer

A lineup of laboratory machines suitable for material development.
We have variable devices suitable for experiment such as ink and material development, production facilities simulation, etc.
R&D Printer
A lineup of IJ Printer most suitable for trial and small lot production.
These printers are compatible with trial production by inkjet printing or small-lot production.
For trial and small lot production
A lineup of IJ Printer that can be introduced as production facilities.
IJ Printers that operates as part of the production facilities in the factory. Ink supply and maintenance are performed automatically.
Production Facilities
List of Inkjet Heads that can be installed in our product ”TriJET-series”
Inkjet Heads we handle