Cylinder JET Lite [Printer on rotating cylinders]

Cylinder JET Lite is the industrial inkjet system that is able to 360-degree print on cylindrically-shaped container surface.
Various types of inks can be used. Direct printing on the surface of containers made of cans, plastic and PET materials is possible.
Advantages of direct printing by the inkjet method
・Smaller lots (less plate changing, fewer man-hours, lower material and other costs)
・Overprinting … prints only the QR code and text on a pre-printed workpiece.
・Variable printing….prints a different image for each piece.
・It is possible to print with layers of ink to create a three-dimensional effect.
・Expressive packaging can be produced with CMYK, W, clear and primer inks.
Items | Specification |
Head Type | Piezo head for UV-curable ink |
Number of Head | Standard 5 heads (CMYKW), 1 head (clear or primer) can be added as an option |
Head Heater Control | Ink heating by a built-in head heater |
Printing Method | Single or Multi-Pass |
Printing Resolution | 360dpi、720dpi、1440dpi (selectable) |
Ink Supply System | Manual ,Sub-Tank System |
Ink Control | Negative Pressure Pump |
Maintenance | Manual Maintenance |
Z-axis Adjustment (distance between head and print surface) | Manual Adjustment (25 mm) |
Workpiece Fixation Method | Vacuum Absorption by Mandrel |
Bottle Size Requirements | Max. 81Φ mm x 300 mm (equivalent to a 720 ml bottle). A mandrel is required for each bottle shape. |
Print Size (bottle height direction) | Max.300 mm: Actual printing area depends on bottle shape. |
Input Image File Format | Tiff File Format |
Software | Windows Application Software |
UV Lamp | Metal-halide lamp |
Safety Devices | Emergency Stop Switch and Door Interlock Mechanism |
External Dimensions (main body only) | 1200×1200×1800(mm) |