2. 会社案内
  3. Quality Policy



Quality Policy

About TRITEK'S Quality Policy

We act under the following policy with deep understanding the importance of systematic management, a process approach which values a process and producing result at each level of an individual, a team and the company.

1. Our activity is premised on observing laws and regulations, understanding and esteem the social morality.

2.We understand the customer’s real requests and recognize that reflecting it to customer service is the first priority and act like that.

3.Under the administration managed systematically, proceed the improvement and reform of the quality, price and delivery date.

Tritek Co., Ltd

CEO  Kazuki Takahashi

*** Tritek Co., Ltd have acquired ISO 9001:2015 certification. ***

[Certification body] Alcumus ISOQAR Limited / ISO QAR Japan Co Ltd.

[Scope of application] Development, design, manufacturing, sale and maintenance of industrial inkjet printer